Sunday 29 May 2011

Alice In Wonderland's Tea Party

An exhibition I went to back in 2008 really made my interest for photography grow, it was Annie Leibovitz’s:A photographers life exhibition at the National Portrait gallery. After visiting the exhibition I started to research her work in more depth and really started to study her photographs. I adore her work and the way she talks so passionately about her photography. I influenced by Leibovitz in my Art and Design BTEC when I came across her Alice in Wonderland shoot she did for Vogue. I wanted to re-create the Alice In Wonderland tea party, I set myself daily targets to complete to keep on track and I had a weekly time plan in place to keep me up to date.

Lissy Laricchia is the talented photographer who draws people to her images and captures their hearts with her dreamlike photos and her incredible imagination. She uses a lot of fantasy and fairy like setting, just like i did for my exhibition.

I absolutely adore and Tim Walker’s work. The admiration i have for the effort and imagination he puts into the smallest of details is unreal

Much like the dreamscapes Annie Leibovitz creates, Tim Walker is one of those people who can create fairy tale worlds and make them come alive. As a fashion photographer for Vogue, he's entranced readers with his romantic characters and his extravagant staging.

They're all so whimsical and fun! He knows how to make a perfect combination of bright fun colors with a unique look. Some of his pictures seem busy, but it works and that's what makes it so fabulous!

I did a close ups of the table of which i displayed the tea party on and used these towards my research for my final piece and used on the walls of the exhibition.

Elana Kalis did a series of images titled "Alice In Waterland" i think the under water photography is quite different from all the other formats of Alice In Wonderland photography i came across. When Viewing Kalis' work i felt inspiration from the photograph above in particular, to capture legs in different character styles, so i did so after gathering all my odd socks, tights and shoes together and it worked out really well and went towards my research for my final piece and on the wall of my exhibition in a bigger format.

Above is the final piece, to capture this setting and image, I visited Worsley Woods and took a few shots there to get the background image. I then set up a long dining room table at my Nana's house in spain and decorated it with mismatched items and general odd things; I photographed this also and brought the images into Photoshop. I edited them to create the fantasy setting I was looking for. I added my Illustrated characters and the final piece came together. I was really pleased with the finished outcome. My mixture of styles showed the tea party from a different perspective and everyone who came to my exhibition was really impressed. I had it printed onto an A1 board which is so much more effective than the tiny image above, there is so much to look at, and as it is in my bedroom i find myself staring at it sometimes, it is eye catching.

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